Dispute Management

Managing and resolving disputes outside of, or as a supplement to, litigation is an important part of our practice.

Avoiding Disputes

We believe the best use of our clients’ resources is to prevent disputes from happening in the first place. Much of our work for clients is in helping them avoid disputes by a practical approach to identifying business risks and avoiding potential conflicts. We understand early identification and resolution of a potential dispute is better in the long run than costly litigation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

We have extensive training in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), including direct negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. ADR provides a tactical means of resolving complex disputes efficiently and in a cost-effective manner. We have significant experience consulting with and representing clients in ADR proceedings.

Litigation and Conflict Management

When conflicts unavoidably escalate, we have the knowledge and experience to advise clients and assist them in finding cost-effective and timely solutions. We also serve as outside litigation consultants and advise clients on strategic decisions related to pending litigation.